
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

And I Go to Sleep Content

Sometimes I consider complaining and whining and then I remember how nice things actually are.

The bad things I'll forget, but the good things... they will last a lifetime.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Reason #12096 that I'm Glad She Moved Home

Sometimes I forget how worried I was about meeting Vertigo. I wasn't sure if we'd get along, if we'd do anything more than tolerate each other.

And it warms every corner of my heart knowing how wrong I was. How much I love that silly dog and how much he loves me. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Two Angry Girls

Two little girls
of same height and weight and build
Mouths pursed thin
Eyes sparking like gems filled with fire
Hands clenched tight together.

Four little hands
Clutching to hold on
Squeezing to confirm reality
Refusing to let go.

Four little eyes
Looking out
At a judging, betraying, cruel world

Two little mouths
Whispering empty comforts in each others' ears.
Simultaneously casting and absolving

Two little girls
Hands clinging tight to solely what they know is good
Eyes filled with tears unable to comprehend the horrors
Mouths screaming at everyone else while attempting to soothe themselves...

two Little girls.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Favorite People of 2012

  1. Jacinta- Really? Is anyone surprised? We're the best fucking friends ever. Besides that, thank you for always being wonderful, best friend. I know how hard you try. I love you for it. I love you even when you can't.
  2. Tiffany- I'm so glad we got back to a place where we are still best friends. I sometimes forget how much I love you. I remembered in the second part of this year, and I'm so happy that we found our perfect balance.
  3. My roommates- You rock my world, girlies. We've been through a lot, but I'm glad to have every single one of you. We have so much fun together.
  4. Craig- You're wonderful. Thank you for everything. I can't really go into more detail without being gooey and sappy and gross. I appreciate you deeply, truly, wholeheartedly.
  5. Victoria- Your persistence makes me happy. Let's stay in touch more. I miss you, lady.
  6. Karina- Thank you for being so true. For always. 
  7. David Tennant- Thank you for being sexy. Thank you for wearing glasses. And thank you for keeping all of us on planet Earth safe.
  8. Those friends of mine at school- I'm so glad I found you.
  9. Libby- Awwww, sweet girl. Our history thrills me. And I'm delighted that we're living in the same city, spending time together again. 
Happy New Years, everyone! Let's move forward. 

My Favorite Things of 2011

  1. All those car rides. All those long nights.
  2. Finding my niche at school. Loving the people I met.
  3. Coming home for summer and finding that things really did get better.
  4. Australia. Everything to do with Australia. That was the most fun I had all year. Bar none.
  5. Meeting Vertigo in person.
  6. Going back to school and adoring my new roommates. 
  7. Finding independence and then coming back to where I belonged.
  8. Doctor Who.
  9. Having the best friend and Vertigo be home. Getting lots of hugs and squiggles.